
Title: A Slip Down Memory Lane
Rating: M
Characters: Edward & Bella
Warning: language and sexual reference
Summary: Edward fell hard & fast for Bella, but his fight with her brother ended their relationship. When Bella falls hard & fast on the ice, a trip to the ER brings them back together. That is until an epic misunderstanding… FML Contest entry & finalist - Host's Mention (from the lovely Chicklette) - AH

Title: An Unexpected Companion
Rating: M
Characters: Jasper & Bella
Warning: reference to character death
Summary:  After tragedy in Volterra, Jasper is the only one who can comfort the family. Two years later, Eleazar brings home a newborn in need of nurturing & guidance. An unlikely bond forms between a girl & the man who once tried to kill her. For the Love of Jasper contest entry - New Moon AU

Title: At This Moment
Characters: Edward & Bella
Warning: sexual content
Summary:  It's the people we love the most who can truly break our hearts. How do we cope with that guilt? How do we move forward?  FGB o/s for aRedi, prompted by Michael Buble's cover of "At This Moment" - AH

Title: Bella's Lesson
Rating: MA/NC-17
Characters: Edward & Bella, Alice
Warning: explicit sexual reference and content
Summary:  Before the honeymoon, there's a little something Bella needs to know about Edward. Cue the ever helpful Alice! Parka's aren't just for winter, Bella. Love, understanding, and limes ensue. BD missing moments...sort of.

Title: Best Game Ever
Rating: M
Characters: Edward & Bella, with other canon parirings
Warning: language and sexual reference
Summary:  A few insistent friends force Bella and Edward to confront their mutual infatuation. Exactly how far will this game of Truth or Dare go?  3rd place Twi-High Anonymous Challenge - AH

Title:  Bitter Turned Beautiful
Rating:  MA/NC-17
Characters:  Edward & Bella
Warning:  sexual content
Summary:  Loss left Bella jaded & detached, but when she sees a face from the past, she thinks it's all changing for the better.  FGB Story for socact - AH

Title: Center of Attention
Characters: Peter, Bella, Jasper
Warning: sexual content, non-canon pairings, slash, poly
Summary:  Bella drags Jasper & Peter to an exclusive rave, promising a night of dancing,fun & reckless abandon. The wild, sexually charged atmosphere leads to an unforgettable bump & grind for all three.  Fun With Your Clothes On contest entry - AH

Title: Daughter of Privilege
Rating: MA/NC-17
Characters: Edward & Bella
Warning: explicit sexual content
Summary: Inked up Edward falls hard for the prim & proper daughter of Presidential hopeful Governor Swan. Bella teaches him that despite outward appearances, they aren't so different after all. Tattward & Inkella contest entry - AH

Title: Deforestation
Rating: MA/NC-17
Characters: Edward & Bella
Warning: explicit sexual content
Summary:  Edward & Bella go hunting, have a little fun, and discuss nature conservation. A drabble for edwardsbrunette2 from the FGB auction - AU

Title: Dirty Little Secret
Rating: MA/NC-17
Characters: Edward, Garrett, Bella
Warning: slash, explicit sexual content
Summary:  When Garrett arrives to help the family in BD, Edward becomes especially tense, remembering how they first met. What exactly is their secret? Slash Backslash contest entry - BD-AU

Title:  Dirty Your Boots
Rating:  MA/NC-17
Characters:  Jasper & Bella
Warning: sexual content
Title: Dog Days
Rating: T
Characters: Bella, Edward, Jake, Charlie, Billy
Warning: ---
Summary:  Bella loves dogs, and they love her right back. Maybe a little too much. Crackfic? Yeah, let's go with that... A birthday gift for keepingupwiththekids

Title: Excerpts
Characters: Edward & Bella
Warning: mild sexual content
Summary: On their first wedding anniversary, Edward finds a very unique way to give Bella the gift of paper.  Together they share memories, with the help of a few special songs, and remember the depth of their love together.  Written for the Twi-fans for Haiti relief compilation - Post-BD/AU

Title: Giddy Up
Characters: Jasper & Bella
Warning: explicit sexual content
Summary: Jasper in boxers, cowboy boots, and a cowboy hat.  Need I say more?

Title: Inevitable
Rating: K
Characters: Jacob & Renesmee
Warning: ---
Summary:  Nessie's first kiss. post-BD AU

Title: Misunderstandings and Misconceptions
Characters: Edward & Bella
Warning: explicit sexual content, assumed infidelity
Summary:  Both believe the other is taken, but even that can't stop their passionate encounter. As time passes and truths are revealed, they find that it was all a misunderstanding. Can they try again? FGB story for SassyKathy - AH

Title: Mo Chroi
Rating: MA/NC-17
Characters: Edward & Bella
Warning: explicit sexual content
Summary: Summer camp romance is put on hold when Edward returns home to Ireland & ended altogether after a misunderstanding. Will the next summer be torture for Bella, or will she be able to forgive & move forward? Summer of Smut contest judge's pick - AH

Title: My Bloody Valentine
Rating: MA/NC-17
Characters: Edward & Bella
Warning: violence, explicit sexual content, dark themes
Summary:  I lowered my mouth to his, sweeping my tongue inside to suck up the blood that had pooled there. “And that, dear friend, is because, even in death, you do not deserve Bella’s sweet lips to be the last you’ve kissed.”  Darkward contest 3rd place winner - AU [continuation coming soon via a FGB auction request]

Title: Prince of Crimson Tides
Characters: Peter & Bella
Warning: sexual content, non-canon pairings
Summary: They've been friends since grade school, but an annual reunion, a beach vacation & an impending move force Bella & Peter to reassess the nature of their relationship. Is love on the horizon or is it just a fling?  Fun With Your Clothes On contest entry - AH

Title: Second Chances
Rating: MA/NC-17
Characters: Leah & Sam
Warning: character death, explicit sexual reference
Summary:  Leah moves on with her life after Sam and Emily get married, but fate brings her home when she is needed the most. Sometimes life provide second chances, even in the midst of tragedy. Love Through Lemons contest entry - Post-BD/AU

Title: The Avant-Garde Approach
Rating: MA/NC-17
Characters: Alice & Bella
Warning: femme-slash, explicit sexual content
Summary:  Alice provides Bella with a little guidance to help ease some of Bella's sexual frustration. That's what BFFs are for, right?  Very AU - Eclipse

Title:  These Hands Have Broken
Rating:  MA/NC-17
Characters:  Jasper, Bella, Peter, Charlotte, Maria
Warning:  vampire violence, sexual content
Summary:  AU

Title: You Can't Lose What's Not Yours
Rating: MA/NC-17
Characters: Jasper & Maria
Warning: explicit sexual content
Summary: A short exploration of the canon relationship between Jasper & Maria, and what happened when he left. AU
